Tuesday, 30 October 2007


When we were at Dr N’s clinic the last time, we found out that for some reason Baby’s abdomen was slightly smaller than the average size. Dr N was a little concerned so he had scheduled an appointment for us to do another scan at Dr C at TMC. So much for being average huh?!

We went for the scan yesterday and the result is not too ideal. Baby is indeed slightly below average when compared to other babies at the same stage. According to Dr C, Baby weighs almost 1.3kg now so he / she is about 200g behind.

During the scan, Dr C paid particular attention to the placenta and the umbilical cord in case there are blockages. However the findings came back with good results. Baby is getting all the oxygen and blood properly to both the heart and brain. So no concerns there.

In fact other than the smaller abdomen, Dr C assured us that Baby is in the pink of health and is getting all the nutrients.

The funny thing is Baby’s limbs, spine and head circumference are all growing fine and by that I mean average. It is only his / her abdomen which probably results in the lighter weight.

As of now Dr C only terms it as Placenta Restricted Growth. Although this can be caused by stress and malnutrition but he has rule it out in this case because the Mrs has to be extremely stressed up in order for it to affect Baby like that.

The only advice he has for now is to continue to eat regularly, have plenty of rest and carry on with the vitamins. We will be back in about a month’s time to see if Baby has grown. By then Baby will be about 33 weeks so the picture will be a lot clearer. They will be able to estimate better how big will Baby roughly be during labour.

I guess the most important thing here is Baby must continue to grow. So long as this is the case then we can still wait for Baby to decide to come out at his / her own time and terms. However if after a month and we found that Baby has not grown by much then we may have to think of the worst and that is to have Baby out via Caesarean Section.

Actually my nephew who was born only this month was quite premature too. He was only about 32 weeks when the Gynae found that he has not grown by much so my SIL went through C-Section and had him out. He is still in the hospital after spending about 2 weeks in ICU. I understand that he has to gain his weight till above 2kg before he can be discharged. The doctors are expecting it to be around December before he can be discharged.

How I felt while waiting to make payment was probably how my parents felt when they found out that my pelvis was dislocated (during child birth by the way) when I was much younger many moons ago (who am I kidding here, its more like many; many; many years ago). Now I truly understand how my parents must have felt when what the doctor had to say was not too positive and encouraging.

While being a little worried I had to be strong for the Mrs and Baby. I know that she is already very disturbed and how she feels will directly affect Baby. I could see her eyes turning red and watery sitting there a little lost and replaying what Dr C had said over and over again in her confused and puzzled mind. I believe she alone has done enough worrying for the 3 of us hence I had to be the positive and encouraging one.

Honestly I am positive to a large extend because Dr C did say that Baby is very healthy and there is nothing wrong with the umbilical cord and placenta. Baby is also getting sufficient blood and oxygen. I suddenly feel like I am in the TV commercial for the radio station where although the tennis coach and driving instructor are really criticizing, the fat boy’s father and the driver can only hear the good words. You couch potatoes will know what I’m referring to.

No, seriously. Dr C has already confirmed that Baby will not be a 3 over kg baby. If everything goes well, Baby will most probably be just below the 3kg mark. Which if you ask me is really not too bad, right? So we will have a slightly smaller baby but surely we can fix that once Baby is out. I’m sure with the right care, love and of course lots of food, Baby will eventually catch up with the rest in terms of size. And with so many people loving him / her around, I wouldn’t be surprised if Baby actually over shoots and ends up weighing a little heavier than the rest. I am not even going to imagine obese here.

Looking at the bright side, by being that bit smaller, maybe Baby is really trying to help mummy goes through a easy, fast and drug free labour. After all we did pay good money for the HypnoBirthing class.


Anonymous said...

I was told all the way that my baby girl's birth weight would probably be above 3kg, but I had it pretty tough the last few weeks of the pregnancy -- food poisoning, threatened pre-term labour, etc. So her birth weight in the end was around 2.8kg. Two people I knew who gave birth around that time also had babies under 3kg, so I started to feel like that was pretty average too. :)

Nicole said...


Don't worry!

I just went for my check up at 28weeks(7 months) and the gynae told me that my baby weighs around 1.5kg. Which he said is considered average, but he did mention earlier that 1.1-1.4kg is average so maybe I can make myself feel better that it's slightly above average?

And you should know, my tummy is very small and i'm into my second pregnancy!

All will be well. In fact, as you know that ms claire was premature, she was only 2.4kg at birth but look at her now. I agree with you that it doesn't matter if the baby is born slightly smaller, its' easier for your mrs to give birth to. You can just pump your baby with more milk, food and tons of love and care when he/she is out!

Do keep us updated on the latest development ya.

All the best for you and your mrs and myself too! Hee

missmoon said...

hey, chins up! so long as baby is healthy and well, dun worry too much, ok? my baby boy weighed only 2.78kg at 38wks. wasn't too concerned abt birth weight...was more concerned abt his overall well-being.

think happy thoughts, try not to let it get to you and your mrs :)

missmoon said...

oh, that's my nick. heh. this is CYnthia here.

Anonymous said...

Dun worry too much. The most impt thing is the development and growth after that. With both your love and proper nourishment, I am sure your bb will be a healthy and big kid soon. I have colleagues who gave birth to big babies and they had difficulties delivering in the end. Guess what, their bb now are just average size. Not giants after all...:P I think as long as your bb is fully breastfed for at least 6 months, he or she can surely catch up. Cheer up!

4 weeks to go before my EDD! :D
So excited! Would not be able to read your blog soon. :( If you didnt hear from me for a long long time, it means I have "popped". So I wish you and your Mrs a smooth delivery and a healthy mum & bb.

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi evelyn,

Wow! You really had it pretty tough towards the end of your pregnancy huh!?!

Yeah, it seems like just below 3kg is still pretty average.

Fingers crossed!

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi nicole,

Baby was about 1.3kg at about 7 months and he said Baby was about 200g behind. Seeing your baby's weight, Dr C was spot on.

The Mrs's tummy is also rather small. Most people are a little surprised to learn that she is more than 7 months pregnant. They would have guessed 4 months only.

Well, I guess it will be easier for her to return to her pre-pregnant days.

Good luck with you and your baby too!

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi cynthia,

Thanks for your concerns. We will try and stay positive especially when so many of you are telling me that baby born under 3kg is pretty normal.

I guess we can only hope for Baby to continue to grow so that he/she can comes out at his/her own terms.

We will know in about a month's time.

I will keep you all posted.


A Husband's Voice said...

Hi reishi,

Yeah. The Mrs is really hoping that she will be able to breast feed Baby.

Wow! You must be getting pretty anxious and excited huh?! We have another 70 days to go and we can already feel the anxiety and excitement.

Hey, no reason for not reading and keeping in touch. During confinement you can still read this blog and post your experience. I have a lot to learn from you still.

You have a good and easy birth yeah? Best wishes and you have to keep us posted too!

Happy Birthing!

Anonymous said...

My last appointment with my gynae was when i was abt 29 weeks pregnant. My girl's weight estimated at 1.1-1.2kg only and doc said it's average.

Don't worry, your baby will be fine.

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi Dareve,

I have a feeling now that Dr C wasn't so concerned about Baby's weight. He did say Baby is healthy and he/she is slightly smaller that's all.

I think both Dr C and Dr N's concern is with Baby's abdomen. The circumference is smaller than usual. This is the part they have to monitor.

Anyway, I will surely keep you all posted after our next scan in a month's time.

Meantime you take great care of yourself and baby too!


Nicole said...


Ya, that's also how I console myself when I see ladies with big tummy and mine, so small.. It's indeed easier to slim down! In fact, I slim down back to my normal pre-pregnancy weigh within 1 week after I gave birth! Maybe you should share this with your mrs to brighten her day?

It's perfectly ok for the tummy of the mother to be small(I've finally acceepted the fact) as long as the baby is healthy and growing well. Don't worry.

BTW, I think your mrs share quite a few similarities ya. Our EDD is about the same, our tummy aren't big and our check up timing are quite similar in that sense too. :)

All the best for your nephew too. Hope that he can get discharged earlier than predicted.

Anonymous said...


is it possible to disclose who is the Dr C you visited at TMC?


Anonymous said...


Hope you (& your Mrs) don't worry too much... fm what you described, all seems to be very positive - baby healthy, placenta ok, umblical cord ok, blood & oxygen ok. So, overall ok, right?

My girl was oso "below average" when she was inside me... for my case, it was due to low amniotic fluid.... Her birth weight was 2.58kg @ 38wks gestation... but weighed 4.1kg @ 1 mth!... so you're right that the weight can be 'fixed' aft he/she is out fm mummy's tummy...

For now, i believe it's more impt for the Mrs to rest as much as possible - I've heard that resting actually helps in baby's growth. Take Care & God Bless!

Aces Family said...


Just to share, my little niece was also born a Small Baby but now with tendering care/love, she is growing very well. Happy & healthy.

Yes, understand how both of you felt, been through it with a different situation.

It's not easy but please encourage Mrs to be positive cos Baby will sense mommy's feelings.

take care,


A Husband's Voice said...

Hi nicole,

1 week!! Wow, that's amazing! I'm sure the Mrs will be delighted if she can achieve that. Not that she has gained anything.

In fact she just showed me this morning that her watch is loose on her wrist. Seems she is skinnier then before.

Yeah, I do see the similarities between you two. Too bad we're not going to the same hospital otherwise we could be neighbours even. Hee Hee

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi bebe,

The Gynae at TMC that we go for scans is Dr T C Chang.

Although he is not our main Gynae. As you should know he is Dr N from Mt E.


A Husband's Voice said...

Hey nana,

Thanks for your support. Ya, everything seems well now although our fingers are crossed for the next scan in a month's time.

Hopefully Baby will continue to grow then we will have nothing to worry about.

Will keep you all posted.

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi astee,

Thanks for your encouragement.

Actually the Mrs can breathe easier now knowing that so many babies are born below the 3kg mark.

I am still working on getting her to rest more but with her work it is proving to be a tall order.

noshidoshi said...

i teared up reading yr entry, because i and ur mrs EDD ard the same time - mine is on 8th jan, and somehow it so affected me. i hope everything will be alright for u and ur mrs, and dont worry, what u said is true, after give birth can fix the "problem" - it's really not a problem.. lots of babies are born below the 3kg mark.

take care. tell ur mrs gets LOTS of rest.. get a letter from the gynae and pass to her boss if necessary?

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi shida,

Oh dear, I have no intention of causing you any grief. Now I feel like a "chicken" telling you all negative things that you cannot do nothing about.

I hope I am not affecting all you MTBs. I am using this blog to record this journey and also to air my views on certain things. So there will be some negative things along the way (hopefully not many).

Maybe I should have a warning at the beginning of the post but knowing people's nature, the more you warn them, the more they want to see right?!

So you, nicole (claire's mummy) and the Mrs share very similar EDD. only days apart. Which hospital will you be going? Maybe we can be neighbours. ;)

As for resting, if you follow my blog you will know that Dr N and my Mrs's boss are friends so he has always been "threatening" to talk to her boss to allow her to rest.

Bottomline is the Mrs is a little workaholic so it is really down to her.

Do take great care and don't let my post affect you.


Nicole said...


This time round, I'm going to Mount A. After the first time round, the bill at Mount E freaked me and the daddy out!Haha...So too bad, can't be neighbours...

My previous gynae told me some pregnant ladies gain weight on themselves that's why they're unable to shef off the excess weight after pregnancy. Wherelse, some mummies(like me when I carried ms claire), all the fats/body weight kinda go to her.. I didn't gain much, only 8kg.

This time round, I hope that I can gain more, at least not so worry about being pre-mature.

Don't worry about causing MTB grieft or sadness, cause we tend to tear at the drop of the hat! Haha, that gotta be the cause of hormones(again, must find something to blame). Haha..:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Hi

Re breastfeeding, just fyi:
What I heard was that if you wish to have better milk production, you need to take a lot of fluid during the confinement and nursing period like soupy stuff etc. They say fish soup cooked with papaya helps alot. My cousin swore by this formula. I dunno if this really works but I will keep u posted after I have tried it myself.

And also, my colleagues taught me to start massaging my breasts from 36 weeks onwards to prepare the breasts (as what they told me "unclog the milk ducts" hahaha) but according to one lactation consultant, you must check with your gynae 1st cos she say massaging too much or too early may induce early labour. She also agrees that massaging is good if you are preparing for breastfeeding. :)

Lionel n Rachel said...

hey...nt to worry. My boy weighed only 2.5kg @ 36 weeks gestation & whoa, my ger weighed only only 2.3kg at 39 weeks gestation.The other way round, thot suppose to be the bigger the gestation period, the heavier the baby...

See the 2 of them now! Healthy, pretty, adorable, lovely baby/toddler.

try to take it easy....hey, smaller bb = easy birth. cheers ;)

Lionel n Rachel said...

oh! i forgot to add....btw, my tummy was not really visible till i went into my 3rd trimester. So naturally, no one gave up their seat to me on the mrt. hahahha!

Small or big baby, above or below 3kg.... nothing is as impt as a healthy one. rememeber, a happy mummy = a happy baby. Muacks! Jiayou!

Anonymous said...

hello, i stumbled upon your blog via my friend evelyn's blog, and i think it's really refreshing to read a guy's perspective on impending delivery.

don't worry. as long as your wife is eating normally and taking her multi-vits, you really don't have anything to worry about. and you are right - baby has more than enough time to catch up in terms of weight/nutrition once it's out of the tummy.

both my kids weighed in at 2.6 kilos at birth, but they've since played catch-up. my boy is 7 and tall for his height and of average weight. my girl is 21 months and extremely cherubic (higher percentile than other babies her age).

am ashamed to say this (though it was probably a common thing for the older generation, my mum and grandmum are guilty of it)... but i smoked during pregnancy, up to the time i gave birth. so compare me, a less-than-ideal model, next to your wife, and pregnancy-wise, she's definitely taking care of herself a whole lot better.

here's wishing the both of you a smooth-sailing final stretch and a hiccup-free labour and delivery. take care.

- cheryl

Missy & Jav said...

Trust that Mrs and baby are in good hands. Do talk to Mrs more and not ponder on the small abdomen issue.

My boy was 3.8kg at birth, however at 19mths old now, he's not ny bigger as compared to his peers. in fact, i would consider him as an average bloomer. and the kids who were borned lighter than him are heavier than him now. hence, no worries about your baby's weight issue here. i'm sure you and Mrs will be able to beef your baby up in no time.


A Husband's Voice said...

Hi nicole,

Yeah, it's a shame we will not be neighbours during labour. Then again, we are assuming that both babies decide to come out at about the same time. Ha Ha

Speaking of gaining weight, the Mrs had not gained much even though she has been eating quite a bit. Think she probably only gained about 2kg and as we know almost all of it has gone to Baby. Guess slimming down is not going to be an issue for her.

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi reishi,

Thanks for your info on breastfeeding. Do let us know if fish soup with papaya is indeed good.

Yeah, seems there are some things to avoid in case it stimulates labour. But I guess it is alright after 36 weeks.

A Husband's Voice said...

Hey yvonne,

Thanks for your support. I guess we being 1st time parents will be a little more anxious and nervous in the beginning but after having so many of you share your experiences with us, we are okay now.

We are grateful.


A Husband's Voice said...

Hi there cheryl,

Welcome to my blog and thanks for your feedback and info.

We are beginning to see that there are many babies born below the 3kg mark so we're ok now.

I'll keep you all posted after we visit Dr C in about 3 weeks time.

Meantime you take great care and keep reading ya?!

A Husband's Voice said...

Hey missy,

Wow!! 3.8kg!! You must have had a hard time birthing then. How did you managed?

We are already thinking of ways to beef up Baby after he / she is born. Tips or recipes anyone?


Nicole said...


You meant, till now, your mrs only gained 2kg!!!! Or did I read it wrongly???

My pre-pregnancy weigh was 47kg and now, I'm 56kg already so this time round, I'll gain at least 10kg! Which is good!!!

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi nicole,

Sorry, my bad! I got confused! She actually gained 5kg since she got pregnant.

We're still working on her gaining more.

Nicole said...

5kg?? That's consider quite little weight gain ya.

What's your mrs' pre-pregnancy weight??

Anonymous said...

Hehe I think my weight gain was quite little as well, 5kg-6kg at most? I'm a big eater, but high metabolism... it's in the genes. My gynae wasn't too concerned. :) Hey Cheryl, you still here? What was your weight gain? Think you gained less than me!

Missy & Jav said...

i decided on epidural the minute my gynae told me my baby would be a big one coz i definitely wouldn't want to suject myself to pain knowing my big my baby would be and boy am i glad i made the decision! but i did had a relative hard time pushing my boy out, firstly due to the effect of the epi, i didn't have the urge to push and secondly my boy's head was quite big and hence, he was stuck in the birth canal and ended up having to vacumn him out.

you are kidding! Mrs only gained 5kg so far?? that's very little amt of weight gain! i gained like 13kg but still, my tummy was considered compact and we really never expected my boy to be so big.

anyway, the weight gain issue is crucial in the last couple of weeks to due date. if the mummy is not gaining or worse, losing weight in the last weeks, the gynae will be concern and will do a CTG to monitor the baby's movements. i lost like 500gm and already my gynae did the CTG twice.


A Husband's Voice said...

Hi nicole,

The Mrs weighed about 51kg prior to her pregnancy and that dropped to about 47kg during the 1st trimester.

Her weight only steadily gained during the 2nd trimester and now she is about 55 - 56kg.

So depending on how you looked at it, her gain can be 5kg or 9kg.

Nicole said...


You know what!!! I used to be 51kg BEFORE I gave birth to Ms Claire then my weight dropped to 47kg after I've given birth to her.

And now, my weight is also around 56-57kg!!!

So it's exactly the same as your MRS. Hahaha..What a coincidence!

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi evelyn,

Since you only gained that 5 - 6kg, I bet you managed to get back to your pre-pregnant size effortlessly right?

Considering you did not gained that much and your baby weighed about 2.8kg, I think both of you did alright.

Hopefully the Mrs and Baby will be able to repeat what you two had achieved.

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi missy,

Yeah, your boy was really quite big at 3.8kg.

Not sure if HypnoBirthing will help with big babies. Hee Hee

Well, the Mrs has been having rather good appetite of late so we shall see if she will put on anymore.

Dr N will be monitoring Baby's size closely since it has been confirmed that his abdomen is small.

Fingers crossed.

A Husband's Voice said...

Hey nicole,

You are freaking me out with all these coincidences.

If I did not see your blog I may think that you are actually the Mrs in disguise playing a trick on me!!! Ha Ha

I wonder if both our Babies are of the same gender. Hmmm......

Anonymous said...

Hmmm yeah I dropped the weight, but am definitely nothing close to toned.

I haven't checked my girl's weight in relation to the national growth chart for a while, but my PD says she'll probably take after me. She's not as big as many babies I've seen. But hopefully she'll grow to be much taller than me!

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi evelyn,

Er.... I think most mothers will be happy to lose the excess weight gained never mind the toning. ;)

I did not even know there is a national growth chart. That goes to show how much I have to learn.

As for now I've just learned how to bath Baby during Mrs Wong class last weekend.

Anonymous said...

*grin* no worries, the chart will be included in the baby health booklet that the hospital will give you.

you know, i never bathed my baby girl in her early months. the confinement lady taught both of us how to do the baths, and i even typed out all the steps and stuck it on a clipboard. but i was too afraid, so that became my husband's task. it turned out great, something that they both enjoyed.

i only ventured to give her a bath when she was learning to sit up by herself and didn't have the floppy head anymore.

Unknown said...

i think a slightly less than 3kg bb is gd for natural delivery. we can always "fix" the weight after birth. u will b amazed at how much weight babies gain post delivery. :P

i'm in wk33/34 nw. think my bb's abdomen is big hence doc thinks my bb's too fat now. she's 2.3kg nw. gotta control my diet aka prevent bb fr ballooning. it was strange cos at wk 28, my bb weighed only 1.05kg & doc said she was average. hence, looking at ur bb's weight, i dun think both u n mrs shld worry. ur bb will gain more weight juz like mine. :)

Unknown said...


A Husband's Voice said...

Hi evelyn,

I don't blame you there. They looked really fragile when they are so young.

In fact from Mrs Wong's class, the birthing process seems rather long because after birthing, there are massages too.

Seems like an awful lot of work and this is only the beginning. I'm feeling a little excited but at the same time a little worried.

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi jj,

After reading your post, I'm hopeful that maybe Baby will catch up like yours.

Baby weighs a little more that yours at about 28 weeks so there is still hope that he / she will be a chubby baby. Ha Ha

Thanks for sharing.


Unknown said...

Hi there,

i'm sure ur bb's weight will catch up real soon. dun worry. :)

i'm worry tat my bb might b too big when she's due... faintz...

A Husband's Voice said...

Hi jj,

The Mrs went for her check up today and according to Dr N, Baby's weight at just under 32 weeks is 1.8kg. During the last 2 weeks Baby gained a whopping 500g.

He / she may be able to catch up after all.


viv said...

dont be too worry of bb's weigh, i just given birth to my bb gal and she just weighted 2.61kg (at 36th week)...she is absolutely healthy and eating well now (been able to gain weigh)....in fact small size bb means easier to deliver :)

A Husband's Voice said...

Hey (er....) ..,

welcome and thanks for your comment. We are coming to terms with it now and in fact Baby has been growing steadily so no worries there.

Seems Baby has a big head but we need to confirm this in 2 weeks time after a more detailed scan.

Will keep you all posted.
